You see- for years I use to be the type of person that would broadcast every detail of my life to any person that would get close to me. Over the Past few years though I've pushed just about every person away and stopped telling anyone anything because I've realized just How unhealthy that really was. I was a STUPID STUPID teenager. To say the very least. Now I've done the complete opposite--- its been uncomfortable for people to HAVE to know whats going on. I push people away and only tell those closest everything and that's like- 3 people. Literally And one of them I only tell because well-- someone how She became part of my life because she understood and most of the time I feel bad- but she understands.-- not like because she gets it but because shes been through school and all this stuff and knows about some of this stuff. So yeah- she gets it- the meds, the DR lingo, all of it. I feel normal for once when I talk to them. Does it stop me from Praying? Nope. Because trust me it hasn't I'm here today. I'm standing. and Stronger than I ever have been.
. I know everyone else means well but I've stopped talking to them. Or I've learned to change the subject. You see- everyone Else I feel like its a burden or they don't get it and its a problem. Or they just don't want to hear about it unless they ask. If they don't ask. I don't tell. Or as I've said before they are afraid of me-- like I'm some kind of monster.
I'm a Strong woman. I've learned this too. Normally-- I don't say that. Normally. I would throw my white flag up and curl up in a ball and say I quit. But I'm NOT. I refuse to. I can't. I won't. God's brought me way to freakin far to let the enemy break me now. I may be sick. I may have days where I get weak. But then- that's when I have to look up for myself. When I personally have to choose to get up off my butt! ( yes I just said butt get over it) and get on my knees and pray and do something about it. I remember hearing something a while back- " you don't need a third party to talk to God when you can talk to him for yourself"--- I don't necessarily verbalize my prayers and I'll be honest, Ill sing and dance and cry and I'll write. I write and talk to God all at once. That's how I talk to God. Everyone is different. This ... this Journey I've been blessed to be on has changed me. Has changed my way of dealing with people, working with people, talking to people, addressing people, talking to my FAMILY. let me tell you-- its been HARD. I've had days I've wanted to flush my meds. I've had days I've wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry. I've had days where I have done nothing but cry. But there's been one thing that's been consistent in all this-- HIM. He hasn't left. Even though I've been -- everywhere. literally. on the charts from moods to sickness to everything. God is still God and still capable of doing what He is does. even when I suck. He doesn't change. He never fails. He is God! He just is!!!! I'm only strong because of HIM! because He has shown Grace and Mercy on my life through so much and put the people in my life He has to continue to influence me to rely on HIM AND HIS GRACE and His strength and His comfort to get through this. Because there is no other way I'd get through this. NONE. ZERO!!!
Tonight- I'm writing this because I'm extremely thankful. thankful that I have the opportunity to pick up the bible. to Text my friends.Thankful I have friends who are real and straight up with me when I am out of line. That I have Pastors and a Church that blesses me so much. Lifes not always easy. Everyone deals with something. Everyone Has a Story. I learned Last night- My RA from College Little sister had a kidney Transplant a while back and is now having some complications from it and all this time I thought this Girl was one of the strongest/perfect people I know. She has a story. Her family's courage and strength and dependence on God is just amazing and Beautiful may I add. I am Blessed. Too.
All this to say-- even on my Bad days God is still God. Still Capable and will do what He does. We all have a story.
So thank you to everyone.
Im tired. Im going to bed.
Peace out.
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